What is Mod Apk ? Advantages and Disadvantages of Mod Application

 The term Apk Mod naming on the android application has recently become viral and is being talked about a lot by netizens. Almost all android applications in the play store have a mod version.

Then what is an android mod apk? Where can I get the application? Okay, Through this article we will try to explain in detail. 

What is Apk Mod?

Mod is taken from the word modification. When interpreted in Indonesian, a mod application is a modified android application. 

What's Modified Apk? 

The most common thing is usually in the features section, whether it's unlocking premium features or adding other features. 

Generally, mod applications are only found in paid applications, such as Spotify, Inshot pro, And games with Primium features. Where users can enjoy all music from the premium version of the application without having to pay for it. And Enjoy Full Features Editing apps(inshot pro similar ) and Games like Wcc2, etc...

It seems that the development of this mod application is growing very rapidly. Even free apps have this mod version. Take, for example, the WhatsApp mod which is known for its added features. , Even better features than the original Whatsapp 

The most important question asked by the android users is, 

Are Mod Applications safe to use?

Although there has never been a case of fraud or a specific incidence, this mod application cannot be considered safe because it is distributed illegally. This does not eliminate the possibility of unpleasant things happening in the future.

Where can I get mod apps from..?

 You can get it through posts shared by bloggers on the internet for free.

What Are The Advantages Of Using The Mod Application?

Here are some things that will be obtained when using the mod application. 

100% gartis application 

No ads in it 

Has more advanced features 

Have a cooler look 

No watermark 

There are no paid features in it 

For the addition of other features, it will depend on the type of mod application that you will download later. Some of the lists above are things that have been confirmed. 

When an advantage stands out it doesn't mean it has no drawbacks, this is also the case with mod applications. 

cons of Android Mod Apps 

Don't be too excited because of an advantage, but here we also still have considerations when using mod applications. 

Here are some drawbacks of the mod application

There is no security assurance.

It is difficult to locate the most recent version of the application.

will not receive updates from the Google Play Store

Applications tend to have a larger size 

 application error

 application experied or expired

that's it in this article, we saw the advantages and disadvantages of using mod applications.

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